Mary Blair

I was on some of my favorite auction sites the other day looking for art when I came across Mary Blair's work. Blair worked on one of my all time favorite Disney animation movies, Alice in Wonderland.

Mary Blair was a concept artist for Disney from around the 1940's till she quit around 1953 after working on Peter Pan. She then went on to do freelance work. The simplicity of Blair's style and her use of colors seems to draw me to her work. She uses the right palette to tell the story every time. Blair's work also seems to have some sort of innocence to it while still giving the sense of great technique.  Some of her work below.

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Alice in Wonderland (1951)


Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Peter Pan (1953)

I hope in the near future I can be lucky enough to own one of Blair's original concept art from Alice in Wonderland.  It would be a great addition to my small art collections.


Check out this 14 min documentary about the trip that changed Blair's style and in turn Disney's